Tutorial of Dr. F. Tobar (visiting scientist)

13 January

Tutorial of Dr. F. Tobar (visiting scientist)

Cimi is pleased to welcome  Felipe Tobar, Associate Professor at the Initiative for Data & AI (Universidad de Chile), for a visit at IRIT during the first two months of 2022.

Felipe will present a 3h tutorial on Gaussian processes, on Tuesday 18th of January at 2pm on Zoom only: https://inp-toulouse-fr.zoom.us/j/95472040614.

You can find the details of the tutorial below. In particular, the presentation is open to master, Ph.D and postdoc students, as well as researchers.


Title : The Art of Gaussian Processes: Classical and Contemporary

Abstract : Gaussian processes (GP) are Bayesian nonparametric models for continuous functions which allow for uncertainty quantification, interpretability, and the incorporation of expert knowledge. The theory and practice of GPs have flourished in the last decade, where researchers have looked into the expressiveness and efficiency of GP-based models and practitioners have applied them to a plethora of disciplines. This tutorial presents both the foundational theory and modern developments of data modelling using GPs, following step by step intuitions, illustrations and real-world examples. The tutorial will start with emphasis on the building blocks of the GP model, to then move onto the choice of the kernel function, cost-effective training strategies and non-Gaussian extensions. The second part of the tutorial will showcase more recent advances, such as latent variable models, deep GPs, current trends on kernel design and connections between GPs and deep neural networks.